What a great news !!!! The Pepsi Music 2011 is arriving to Argentina...
There are a lot of bands and musicals that we will be there.
Like: Rosal, Diego Jinkus, Leo Garcia, Pat Coria, Infierno 18, Izabella, Deborah Del Corral, General Paz & la Triple Frontere, Virg ins Pancakes, Mercedes Audras, Sr Flavio, Polaris, No lo soporto, Natalia Kills, Custodios, Fidel El Chavez and for the end of Tuesday, we have.... KATY PERRY!!! Her concert will be tomorrow at 21:10 at Geba`s stadium.
And on Wednesday we will enjoy for example ,an excellent band called Snow Patrol, at Pepsi stage at 21:40 , and a lot of support bands before this one.